
Difference of opinion

An indifferent photo of some snowdrops, which are in full swing near our local Sainsburies. When I first saw them the snowdrops looked awesome, poking through and round the plastic bag. But just as I was about to take the photo an older lady came up to me. The conversation went a bit like this:

Me: lovely snowdrops...
Her: Beautiful. Are you taking a photo of them then?
Me: Yes
Her: Oh, you don't want to take a photo of them with that horrible bag in the way...
Me: Actually, I quite like it
Her: Oh no you don't, I'll get rid of it for you
Me: No, honestly I do like it with the bag there
Her: There you go, that's got rid of it. Isn't that nicer?
Me: Ummm. 

And with that inexplicable moment of photographic fascism she was gone. I tried to restage it with another bag but it just wasn't the same.

Snowdrops at Sainsburies

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